Are You Moving To A New Home In The Midst Of The Coronavirus? 3 Tips To Do So Safely

Moving to a new home is often accompanied by heightened emotions. People often feel excited, happy, sad, or even angry about the fact that they need to move. Any emotional reaction is possible, but the last feeling you might have expected was to be scared. Health anxiety is at its peak right now, and moving does require you to spend time near other people who can help load the boxes on the truck. When staying where you are is not an option, you can use these three tips to feel safe while you work with the movers.

Ask About Options for Estimates

The first contact that you have with a moving company will likely be to get an estimate of the cost for your move. In the past, these were typically done by sending a member of the team to your home for a visual tour that provides the best information about what needs to be moved. Depending upon the current situation, this might still be an option. Many companies are also moving toward virtual quotes. These are done by using calculator tools that allow you to input information about your belongings. You may also be able to send pictures or do a virtual walkthrough of your house to minimize contact with the moving crew.

Skip the Box Donations

Free boxes are a mover's dream come true, but this is not the time to try to scrimp and save. Unless you know exactly where the boxes came from, you need to avoid potentially exposing yourself to someone else's germs. Instead, use new boxes and packing materials. Your moving company may be able to point you in the direction of safe boxes that you can purchase for your move. If they provide moving boxes, then you should expect them to tell you about their methods for sanitizing the ones they reuse.

Make It Easier to Follow CDC Guidelines

As you prepare for the movers to arrive, be sure to find out how they manage hygiene on the job. The crew may carry hand sanitizer and gloves, but you might also want to keep hand soap and paper towels on so that everyone can wash their hands. Before the crew starts to work, find out where you can stay nearby but out of the way. Maintaining social distance can help everyone to stay safe while carrying out the final stages of your move.

Contact a moving company, such as Kaster Moving Co Inc, in your area for more details. 

About Me

Storing Your Old Things

When I realized that I didn't have enough room in my house for our houseguests, I decided to start looking into storage units. I was able to find a facility close to our home, and I started moving things out one at a time. When I was finished, our house seemed open, airy, and inviting. This blog is all about the benefits of storing your old things in a storage unit and cleaning out some of your space. You never know, you might be able to really enjoy de-cluttering your space and taking advantage of the entirety of your home.


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